
鲜花尖塔Online giving allows you to make a gift with your major credit card using our safe 和 secure site. Giving is quick, simple, 和 safe—和 may be made at your convenience—anytime, day or night. Your support of 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 makes all the difference.

We are pleased to provide a secure server to ensure that your online tax-deductible contribution is safe. 我们的捐赠网站, maintained through the service of our third-party vendor, 官方的支付, is easy to use 和 ensures a high st和ard of donor security 和 confidentiality.

Security 和 Confidentiality Statement

Information gathered by 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 through your online transaction is kept strictly confidential, will be used exclusively by 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学, 和 will not be sold to other organizations.


Contributions are considered irrevocable unless otherwise specified.


If you have questions about making a gift to Huntingdon or would like to make a gift by phone, please contact us at (334) 833-4563, 或电子邮件 givetohc@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu. Thank you, again, for your continued support of 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学.


When you are redirected to the 官方的支付 center, please indicate which fund you would like to support with your gift (gifts without a designation will be directed to the Huntingdon Fund):

  • The Huntingdon Fund: this is the most critical need of the College 和 supports the Huntingdon experience for all students. Without the collective generosity of the Huntingdon alumni 和 friends in support of the Huntingdon Fund, every student would pay more in tuition each year.
  • The Huntingdon Arts Fund: This fund supports the fine arts programs of the College 和 the many cultural events that populate the College calendar each year.
  • Hawks Unlimited: Huntingdon proudly boasts 20 NCAA Division III athletic teams. Gifts to Hawks Unlimited support all of the College’s athletic programs in their pursuit of excellence.
  • The Patricia Guy Legacy Fund: Established in 2021 by the 校友 Engagement Team of the Race 和 Justice Initiative, 基金是为了纪念1969年的帕特里夏·盖伊, Huntingdon’s first Black student 和 graduate, 和 provides financial aid support for current Black students.
  • The Student 校友 Association: Founded in 2013, the SAA collects $10 membership gifts from members of the student body to support the Huntingdon Fund.


邮寄捐款, 把支票寄过来, payable to 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 (indicate gift designation on the “notes” line), to:

Office of College 和 校友 Relations
